Oohhh, it drives me nuts when I go back and re-read something I posted and realized that I've misspelled a word! Ah! I need to be more careful. If you didn't notice it, or if you did, just go about your business and don't try to go find it because I already fixed it.Anyway, I know I haven't updated in a while, so here's my best attempt.
The baby has been growing.... my belly is definitely proof of that. I'm about 15 weeks. My next appointment is next Wednesday. I can't tell you how much I look forward to my appointments... because I get to hear the heartbeat. Such a relief. It's hard when you are so early and can't feel the baby move...you just want to make sure that everything is okay.
Patti's been sick. She started running a fever yesterday. When she woke up from nap, her eye was.... well, it looked like she sneezed out of it. Poor baby... she panicked when she couldn't see. She started running a higher temp so I called the doctor. She has an appointment today at 11:00. I'm hoping that Cal doesn't get it. She fell asleep yesterday in our desk chair. Cute, but uncomfortable. I moved her to our bed after the photo shoot. I'll post more pictures of Patti when she feels better.

Cal's just been Cal. He's always cracking us up about something. Here's his latest....
He was Superman for Halloween. Evidently, he really enjoyed being Superman. He dresses up in his costume at least once a day (by the way, that thing is a pain to get on).

Now, he's obsessed with these Spiderman pj's we got as a hand-me-down. The other day (while I was at Bunko), Daniel told him that it was too cold to sleep in shorts and put some helicopter camo pj bottoms on him. Cal thought it was the end of the world, so Daniel put the shorts on over. He didn't like it at first, but since Daddy did it, it's part of the entire outfit. He
has to have the helicopter pants under his shorts all the time now. Daniel took him to pick up donuts in this outfit -- imagine some blue bug rubber boots too. And, they ran into some friends of ours. Sigh.

Cal's holding his "sword".... really it's a big slice of plastic honeydew melon.

The other day, Cal was rubbing Daniel's unshaven face and said, "What is that Daddy... cactus?"