Saturday, December 1, 2007


Okay, just because I've posted something everyday for several days does not mean this is going to be a new habit for me, so don't get excited.

Patti is my little sweetheart. She is just so good and normally mild-natured. She only gets really worked up when "Bruhder" or "Cow" (Brother-- Cal) comes to annoy her by wanting to play with whatever she's playing with. She tries to get rid of him by saying things like... "No shir (sir)", "Share" or "Be shweet".... even a "Go, go, go!" every once in a while. Well, the other day, she was playing with this castle and drug the thing all over the house to get away from him. Finally, she put it on the dining table thinking this would keep him away. Wrong. He tried every angle possible to get to it. She was having a fit!

Finally, I heard her yell "Go PLAY!" as she pointed to all the toys in the gameroom. I love this picture...

Cal finally gave up and went and got his own castle... the pink one :)


Angela Robinson said...

So cute! (And I love that he grabbed the pink castle in the end)

Now, where might Patti have picked up that expression?...

Amy B. said...

Its very funny when kids repeat things they hear their mommy say (or at least I think so since I dont have a "copycat" of my own).