Friday, February 22, 2008

A little bit of life...

Okay, I'm working on some pictures I took today while the kids are outside with Daddy. Oprah just came on and I'm listening to it in the background. Do y'all know that t.v. show "John and Kate Plus 8"? Well if you don't, it's basically the life of a couple with 7 yr old twins and 3 yr old sextuplets. Anyway, a couple things that she said really hit home for me. One thing is that she feeds them very healthy organic food... and they eat it. She said that the secret is that "there are no options. I am not a short-order cook and I am not a buffet. They need to eat, or they don't eat." For those of you that don't know, Cal is a very picky and terrible eater. And I let him. I just realized how weak I am. Lord, give me the strength to get this kid to eat! I won't ever feel sorry for myself again. She also said that for them, 3's are tougher than 2's.... "3 is the new 2." I've actually heard that A LOT lately. I thought it was 2 that was so terrible. Seriously... I've never ever heard that before and now that my kids are about to be 3, I have heard it from so many parents. Did I say I wasn't ever going to feel sorry for myself? Great....


Stephanie said...

I love that show 'John and Kate Plus 8'. I walk away thinking 'What do I have to complain about I only have 2?' I also watched Oprah today, I never do by the way always too busy, but I'm glad I did. I too am guilty of letting the boys be picky eaters. They only eat certain fruits and veggies and they still don't eat a lot of those. Oh well all I can do is to try better and not be so hard on myself.

brickmomma said...

not exactly sure how i found you.....small blog workld, i guess!

hope all is well.

~jamee(christine's neighbor and john's wife)

Anonymous said...

Get ready Jen...Colleen has been living in time-outs since she turned 3 last week. My neighbor told me that 2's were terrible and 3's were horrible...she was right on the 2's and I think she is going to be right about the 3's...I pray for patience and strength on a daily basis...I can't believe how big our kiddos are getting...can't wait to see you...Thank you so much for the DVD for Colleen's B-day...she has been watching it in the car for the past couple of days...Now you have me singing the songs...Thanks!!!