Monday, March 31, 2008

Sometimes at our house....

Sometimes, at our house...

Patti gets into my makeup when I'm not looking...

Cal loves to wear Daddy's helment and Patti loves to wear Mommy's apron (when she was 2)...

if he's tired enough, Cal will take a nap...

so will Jar Jar Binks...

and the buck, lion, and elephant...

and the chicken...

I make Patti wash the dishes (okay, not really).

and Cal thinks he's a alien....


McCulleys said...

Your pictures are too cute! I loved all of the little animals taking naps.

Perks said...

Funny stuff! Would Patti like to do some dishes at Aunt Neesy's?

hilary hope said...

i love the pictures of animals 'taking naps'. i walked into the living room the other day because aidan was being quiet...never good right?...and i see him putting his little plastic elmo to sleep and tucking him in with a wipe...while singing 'twinkle twinkle little star'. my eyes got a little foggy :)

Amy B. said...

I love your house! Fun!

Lisa Hanna said...

Hello! I found you through Sheridan's blog. I think that is so funny of all the stuffed animals napping--that is what Callie does constantly--something is so fun about putting those things to bed! Our site is