Sunday, January 25, 2009
I'm just Calloway!
A little while ago he was asking to play with his train set. It was just not a good time for me, so I said, "In a little while, Angel." He replied (more like screamed), "I'M NOT AN ANGEL! I'm just Calloway."
Saturday, January 17, 2009
My picky little eater....
And, this was just a cute picture of Patti that Cal took.... yes, he got his little hands on my camera again. Only about 20 pictures this time.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Our 9th Anniversary
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
My Top 8
So, thank's Mom's Baggage! Here goes....
8 TV shows I watch
1. Biggest Loser
2. American Idol
3. So You Think You Can Dance
4. CSI
5. CSI: Miami
6. Fox and Friends (does news count?)
7. Clean House
8. House (sometimes)
8 Favorite Restaurants
1. Mi Cocina
2. Joy Luck
3. Chili's
4. Fish Daddy's
5. Roadhouse
6. Johnny Carino's
7. Freebirds
8. Souper Salad
8 Things that happened today
1. Drank a real cup of coffee (no decaf for me today!)
2. Took both kids to school (hooray)
3. Went to Hobby Lobby to buy a bunch of random stuff.... ended up buying more random stuff
4. Went to Bed Bath and Beyond to buy sheets
5. Picked up Joy Luck's Hot and Sour Soup for sick hubby at home
6. Avoided doing laundry
7. Wiped Cal's nose a few dozen times (and I sent him to school.... how pathetic am I?)
8 Things I look forward to
1. Seeing this little miracle in my belly for the first time
2. Meeting my new niece very very soon
3. Finishing the kid's rooms upstairs
4. Having a diet coke.... maybe tomorrow
5. GNO!!!!!!
6. My doctor appointment tomorrow.... I love to hear that heartbeat
7. Being done with all my "projects"
8. Bedtime
8 Things I wish for
1. A healthy baby
2. A healthy family
3. God's miracle for the Wimm's family
4. To be a size 6 again (like when I was 13)
5. Patti and Cal to both sleep through the night (taking themselves to go potty)
6. A clean house.... that stays clean
7. The weather to stay exactly like it is today
8. Bedtime to come soon
8 People I tag
1. Angela
2. Denise
3. Erin
4. Katy
5. Jennifer
6. Stephanie
7. Nichole
8. Hilary
Friday, January 2, 2009
So, I'm finally at the stage when I can really feel the baby move. When I feel lots of movement, I yell at Daniel to "hurry and come here" and grab his hand and stick it on my belly hoping that he'll feel it. Most times, the baby gets still again. But, I keep trying. Sometimes, the kids join in and put their hands on my belly too.
This evening, while I was doing dishes (okay, I was on my computer checking email).... I heard Patti yell, "Momma!!! Cal's baby's moving!!!" Curious, I stepped into the living room and saw this...... (oh, and by the way, I do NOT lay on the floor when I feel the baby move and have Daniel lean over me)
Christmas Part II

Christmas morning.... this is a totally different experience with kids. The twins are finally at an age where they are understanding the meaning of Christmas and anticipate Christmas morning. It was so fun, but over so quick. That afternoon, we went over to my father-in-law's and spent the evening stuffing our faces and opening presents. There are 9 cousins ages 6 and under.... plus two more on the way. Fun, special, loud and chaotic.... the only way to describe it. Sorry, no pictures.... I forgot my camera. Maybe one of my sister-in-laws will be nice enough to share some with me.
The day after Christmas, we headed down South for a few days at the Ranch with my brother and his family. We don't get to see them much, so the time we have with them is precious. The kids loved playing with their older cousins..... and just being at The Ranch.
Gracyn, Patti, Ryan, and Cal
Grams is GrEaT, she give us ChOcOlAtE CaKe!
My mom is always right here.... in the kitchen working her magic. The bar is the best seat in the house..... especially when you're 3 and Grams just baked a chocolate cake.
Christmas Part I
Eating Santa's cookies....
Thursday, January 1, 2009
My dancing transformer....
Okay, I have lots of great pictures to post.... and I'll get to that hopefully tomorrow. But, for now I just have to post this hilarious video of Cal dancing. He loves the Transformers and asked me to put the video in for him. I skipped the intro and he quickly reprimanded me for it explaining that he wanted to dance to the music. So, I played it over again and stood back to watch. He didn't like me watching and asked me to go away. Sorry the video is shaky.... I was holding it around the corner so that he couldn't see me. Notice how once it's over, he quickly turns around to find his seat. He so cute.