My sweet little boy was 2 months old on Tuesday. Wow, how time flies. He now weighs 12 pounds and is 23 inches long. He's in the 50th percentile all the way around. He started off at two weeks with pretty bad reflux and colic.... the doctor put him on previcid and he's doing better. He still has his moments, but it's not as painful as it was 5 weeks ago. He got 3 shots on Tuesday and has been pretty fussy and running a little fever. Poor baby can't get comfortable and it's been wearing him out .... last night, I fed him at 9:30 and he finally fell asleep about 11:00. He slept until
5:45!!!! That's by far the longest stretch he's done. I'm not going to count on that every night, but it sure was nice. Rested baby and rested mommy!
That's sweet Jenny! You know you are in the newborn stage when 6 hours of sleep = rested! :)
Miss ya!
He is getting so big! Glad you were able to get some rest.
Precious picture, Jenny! Glad you finally got a decent night's sleep with more than just a couple of hours strung together. Let's hope it's the beginning of a new routine!
GLad you are getting some sleep. I love the previous post of all his adorable expressions! Precious.
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