I am so happy to have my Patti and Cal home with me for the next couple of weeks! I've missed them while they've been off at school. Unfortunately, I don't think they feel the same. Sure, they love staying up later and sleeping in... maybe even staying in our pjs most the day. But, they miss school.... a lot! At school, they have dozens of kids to play with, they are constantly engaged and have so much more to do. So, I've tried to keep them entertained the best I can without going completely nuts!
Patti insisted that we try to make a Christmas tree out of bread (she learned it at school).... it turned out really cute... and yummy! She was so cute... she knew every single step of the recipe and basically did it all herself.

The other night, we had our Annual Gingerbread House Showdown. Team Feliz Navidad (aka... Mommy and Calloway) vs. The Reindeer (aka.... Daddy and Patti). We should really rename them "Team Impatient" and "Team Take-All-Day". Cal and I were done before Team Reindeer even had their house together.

The picture above and the picture below were taken seconds apart. Cal was so bored, he played his DS while Team Take-All-Day finished up. Mommy just took pictures.

And..... the finished products! Aren't they cute? The gingerbread houses weren't bad either.

We had to try them, of course.

Fast forward to the next day..... The houses were out on the counter, and this 19 month old just. could. not. keep. his. hand. off. of them! I finally had to hide them in Patti's room.

And, when he couldn't find them later.... he was so sad.
But, we quickly got distracted by the car in the house....
That's the saddest face I've ever seen!
What a great tradition. Cal and Patti will pass it along to their kids. And David, he will not be left out!!! Love you all HAPPY NEW YEAR LEE
I just love this tradition of yours. Thanks for the story. Merry Christmas!! Thanks for being the sweetest of friends. :)
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