What a fun Halloween we've had, but I am SO glad it's over. Whew. Next year, I need to remember to plan early.
The kids got to dress up as their favorite book character for school. Cal was Skippyjon Jones... a Siamese cat who thinks he's a Chihuahua. Patti was, of course, Fancy Nancy. I had so much fun getting their costumes together. Thanks to my sweet friend, Angela, who at the last minute made a fabulous Skippyjon cape and helped me make those fabulous ears. Oh, and about those ears.... Cal hated them. Wouldn't wear them. Little stinker said that they looked like bunny ears (okay, maybe they kind of did). David had to get his Superman cape on and be a part of the party too.

Later that day, Patti was feeling this whole dress-up thing and decided to get the face paint out. She painted Cal's face (I had to bribe him with 50 cents to participate.... correction, happily participate). Sorry, didn't get any pictures of Cal. Then, David begged to have his face painted. Patti quickly obliged.

And then, Patti really wanted to have her face painted. I jokingly volunteered David to paint it... they both agreed that was a tremendous idea!

And finally, Halloween! I just wasn't in the "Halloween" mode this year. I took Patti to Target and we picked out her costume and Cal's costume. She was a little Senorita and Cal was an Ice Wolf Ninja. David's costume was dug out of the dress-up clothes the day of. I have to admit, they were pretty stinkin' cute!

They are all so precious...but...David is definitely the cutest Buzz ever...Love Ya'll
Can they be any cuter. Your kids are so loving--they melt my heart. Thanks for coming to the neighborhood. Tell Daniel he can visit Trypp any time!!!
Love, Lee
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