It's so good to be home! There is truly
no place like home. A couple of weeks ago, my mom flew up to College Station just to go straight back where she came from.... she, the twins and I drove down to South Padre Island (with a short lay over at The Ranch)... and then back to The Ranch again. Mom flew up just to drive down and back with us.... isn't she the best? We just got back a couple of days ago. We had SO much fun. The kids were beyond great... they hardly made a peep the whole way down (370 miles). They really were wonderful the whole trip... I didn't want the vacation to end, but we really started to miss Daniel (who had to stay behind and work). Cal started to get a little home-sick after a week and kept saying, "I want to go home... I miss Daddy... I want to play with Chloe and Phoebe."
We went to visit the Sea Turtles....

Cal had so much fun playing at the beach in the water.... he was worn out! Patti wanted nothing to do with the "big big water" because it was "scary." Instead, she had fun building castles in the sand. Sorry I don't have pictures of this (maybe Nat will email me some :)

Patti LOVES animals... no matter what kind. This parrot was outside a
restaurant that we frequented... we couldn't walk by without her wanting to hold it.

Even at the Beach, Patti loved to parade her animals around. I love her detail and patience... where in the world did she get that from?


More soon to come....
I am so glad you're seems like you were gone forEVER!
Love the pictures..especially the bird and Patti, the last one of Cal, and I don't know why, but I am always so intrigued by your photos of Patti's lined-up animals. I just think that's amazing! (Maybe because I think Norah could never get that many lined up so neatly without being tempted to knock them all down!)
Glad you're home!! Looks like you guys had plenty of fun! :)
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