I have a friend who has picky eaters too. I saw a chart at her house the other day that had "So-and-so tried a new food" and it had several magnets behind their name. I thought that it might be something I could try with Cal (and of course, I have to do it for Patti too). So, I made this nifty chart. They have to try something new/different in order to get a sticker (right now, they just have to try it.... a little bite). When they get 10 stickers, they get to choose from a toy at Toys R Us, games at Chuck E Cheese, or bowling at Grand Station. I know, the prizes are pretty big, but I figured that I needed to make it worth it and super-exciting to start off with.
At first it worked great... Cal had a bite of a grilled cheese one day and several bites of spaghetti the next. That was it. He'd had enough. Patti, on the other hand, couldn't wait to try something new! She quickly filled up her chart... eating things like tuna, salmon, pot roast, asparagus, peas, and radishes. And, she loved all of them! So, Daddy took her to Grand Station the other night. Unfortunately, all the lanes were full so that opted for miniature golf instead. She had tons of fun. We thought that rubbing it in to Cal would encourage him to want to eat more, but he's so hard headed (a Livingston trait :) and he really didn't care. He missed them while they were gone, but didn't really care that he was missing out because he knew good and well what he had to do in order to join them. Hmm... another great plan foiled by the stubborn-4-yr-old!
Here's Patti with her chart and at Grand Station....

Since she's been trying all these new foods, Patti has been eager to help me in the kitchen. Here we are making something super-duper healthy..... haha.

Daniel took the twins swimming almost everyday this summer. I just found these pictures on a water-proof camera we just got. Doesn't look like they are having much fun, does it?
a Livingston trait, huh? Glad I didn't get that one.
Thanks for the post! The pictures are great. Benjamin loves it when I check your blog (must confess it is fairly often) because he can dance to the music. So, I read your blog while waving my arms around and tapping to my toes to appease my two year old who hollers "Dance Mama! Dance!" Love you guys and miss you tons. Wish our kids could have memories of each other - and not just each others blogs!
Thank You, Thank You!!!!!
What a great "blog day" for Grams...Just keep the pictures and stories coming!!!!! David looks so much like Daniel ....Love Ya'll Lots and Lots
P.S. You succeeded.....Your Mom is a happy camper!!!
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