My little man was adorable in his tie-dye Harley outfit. He was so good the entire time.

This is the best picture I got of the Black Dragon Ninja (or something like that). He was suppose to be Flash. I ordered the costume a couple of months ago. It came in and I left in in the box (assuming it would fit just fine) because I didn't want the kids messing with it. Well, I pulled it out the other day... and it's too big. So, we ran to Target after church and picked through what was left. All he wanted was a sword. He and Daddy picked out this costume. Was not my first choice, but he was happy with it.

I asked my litte Mermaid to pose for me... and pose she did.... and did again....and again. And again.

We have the opportunity to dress up 2 more times... so, don't worry Grams, there will be more pictures to post later.
Who taught that girl to pose? Love you guys; thanks for the pics.
I just said the same thing that Leigh said.."Where did she learn to pose like that"...Paw Paw said from TV....wherever, she is adorable!!! My Little Man is precious and Cal is "So Cal" are right..I need more pictures.....Grams
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