So, here are just some fun random facts about our sweet David Ray....
- He started climbing the stairs last week, so we had to put in a gate. He's learned how to slide open the gate (we don't latch it, just slide it behind a rail -- the twins have a hard time latching it).
- He adores his brother and sister and wants to be wherever they are. He's always messing up their toys, and they don't always like him around. But, they do a great job tolerating him.
- He has a temper....big temper! He'll get mad about something and hit and bite whatever is closest to him (the table, a toy, the stairs).
- One top tooth has come in and the second is starting to break through. Oh, and they are BIG teeth (have you seen Daniel's?).
- He weighs about 19 pounds and is pretty much in the 50th percentile in weight.... a little less in height.
- He loves to eat whatever you're eating.... forget baby food. I have to really watch what Daddy offers him... chocolate, pizza, guacamole, chips.
- He's still not sleeping through the night... we decided it's time for some tough love. His new schedule is: he goes to bed around 9:00 and then gets up at 11:30, 3:30 and 6:30.

- He is still obsessed with tearing paper andthen eating it.
- He loves to drink out of a cup.... if he sees you drinking from a cup, he'll bug you until you share.
- He makes these silly sounds all the time. I can't explain it very well, but it's like a wheezing sound when he inhales... it's funny.
- Yesterday, he got kicked out of Bible Class and the Nursery for screaming and crying. I say "kicked out".... but they really don't kick kids out.... I just got paged to go get him.
- He loves to take off and chew on socks. I use to go through several pair a day, but now I just don't put socks on him very often.
- He fights sleep.... we still rock him to sleep. He HATES to go to sleep. If he's not completely out when you lay him down, he pops up in half a second and starts to scream bloody murder. And, he's been sleeping on his tummy since birth. I've rarely seen him asleep on his back.
- He loves to give Mommy open-mouth-big-wet-kisses and then he bites my lip. My upper lip has a scab on it right now. And, he thinks it's soooo funny!
- I love his eyebrows.... he's got so much expression in them.
Thanks the twins too...don't ask much do I!!!!!! The pictures of David are adorable..he has a very impish look about him...Love Ya'll...Grams
Poor Daniel. His teeth are big (it's a Burrow thing...look at Jennifer's...he-he!!!) but they are also his PERMANENT ones. Just think, the "big teeth" on David now will only be bigger in about 6 years!!! :)
I totally agree about his eyebrows. His expressive eyes are definitely one of my favorite Baby David features!
Love the pictures...he's just too cute!
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