Has it really been more than a month since my last post? Well, I guess I have lots of catching up to do. So, this is going to be the mother of all posts! (This one's for you Lee!)
I was chatting with my sis-in-law about this and that concerning house remodeling (she just bought a new house). I mentioned that my ceiling was looking pretty rough.... and that I had just noticed some water on the fireplace. I went to gently push on the ceiling to see if it was wet, and my whole hand went right through. Sigh.
Evidently the shower upstairs was leaking for a long time... probably years. What a mess. It took 2.5 weeks to get it all finished. Well, at least we got a new bathroom and ceiling out of it (new pictures to come).

11th Annual Livingston Family Reunion.... July 9-11.... Gainsville, TX
The place we stayed at (same place as last year) has this great stage. The kids love to run around and jump off of it. It was exhausting trying to keep David off of it. We had such a wonderful time. I didn't take very many pictures, but if my sis-in-laws share, I'll post some more.

Denise and Jude

Do you think they planned this?

Sweet Patti loves to ride horses... she had so much fun.
I snapped this picture while she was smiling at her daddy... isn't that just the sweetest smile?
The Davids had some bonding time. Isn't that sweet?


David is up to his usual shenanigans. That boy is into EvErYtHiNg!!!! Here are just a few of the things I was able to catch with the camera....
He loves shoes.... this day, he was a Yellowbox fan....

Patti can't get any peaceful computer-time with David around. He loves to go bang on the keyboard while she's playing....

Ooooh, busted.... trying to climb onto the counter.
Sweet Patti....
Ooops... busted again! He even knows how to open the computer.... thought I could out-smart him by closing it.
Yes, Amy is into toothbrushes right now too. Kurt found mine in the toilet yesterday. YUMMY. My teeth feel oh so clean tonight! :) Love you guys. Thanks for the awesome post and the pictures. Your kids are the cutest.
I wonder how you make it through each day!!! David sounds wild but cute. At least, Patti and Cal help you keep up with him!! I am sure Cal is the only one of you that isn't worn out. He is just getting started. So so very cute. Thanks for the post-took you long enough !!!! Love, Lee
Loved the Mega-post! (That photo of Cal in front of the jail looking so proud cracked me up, and the one of Patti in blue is a framer for sure!)
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