A little over a week ago I took Patti to the doctor because I noticed an unusually large bump on her leg (well, groin area). It was exactly what I was praying it wasn't - a staph infection. How in the world she got it - I don't know. The doctor had to cut and drain it there in the office. I had taken Cal with me thinking that it would be a quick visit and we'd be in and out. Ha. We went into a little 'procedure' room (more like an operating room). Once we got through the doors, Cal wigged out. Patti was calm and sweet - the nurse reached out to pick her up and Patti sweetly reciprocated (arms extended upwards with a sweet smile). The doctor looked at me with the saddest look - like "I don't want to do this to her." Long story short, all three of us left there crying - I don't know who it hurt more, me or Patti. She was fine once we got home - except when I'd change her diaper and gauze. Anyway, we had to go back the next day to take out some packing the doctor put in. We did everything we could (and will continue to do) in order to prevent it from spreading. The doctor told us that it wasn't necessary to quarantine ourselves or wear the scarlet letter "S" around town. Because it was in an area that was always covered by a diaper, we weren't too terribly concerned. I did, however, wash ALL our clothes, sheets, sofa covers, I steam cleaned the carpets, bleached all the toys, cabinets, etc. We've gone through a gallon of antibacterial gel and now bathe with antibacterial soap. All was clear and we were healthy again....
so I thought...
Yesterday morning Patti woke up with this terrible rash that covered her head to toe. Of course I called the doctor. His nurse thought that it was either an allergic reaction to her antibiotic or a virus... they needed to take a look at it though and make that decision. So, I loaded them up and headed back to the doctor. As we are walking through the front doors, I noticed that Patti had stopped. I turned to look at her and she's throwing up everywhere. Okay, what was really only about 15 seconds seemed like 15 minutes. What in the world was I suppose to do?! Cal had already run into the waiting area to play. Do I go back outside and let her throw up out there (and leave Cal).... no. Do I stand there like I'm in shock... yes. Do I try to 'catch' it in my hands like I can contain it all (and then do what with it?)... yes. Finally a receptionist brings me a bucket - but by then it was all done. Long story short, instead of crying this time, I laugh. Both kids still cried though. Patti is allergic to the medicine that she was taking for the staph infection. The following pictures don't do it justice... it looks terrible! Her face looks like Santa Claus... red and swollen. It looks so much worse than it feels... I know this because she is still her sweet and fun self. Every once in a while she'll notice it on her arms or legs and tries to rub it off. We're anxious to be "normal" again soon!

I understand exactly what you are going through. Eric, my husband, had one that had to be drained like that. Prayers to you and the kids.
Stephanie Ray, Jacob's mom
That sounds like quite a few days! I hope she feels better soon and has a speedy recovery! If you need a playmate for Cal or anything else, just let us know.
Poor Patti (and Mom)! Please let us know if you need anything.
Thanks you guys! We appreciate the prayers and concern... I think things are looking up and we are going to be ready for some serious playing!!! Anyone up for a playdate early next week?
We're up for it! Ethan needs playtime with kids his age. Just let us know if you are interested! Monday or Tuesday is good for us.
Fabulous! Playdate at my house on Tuesday! Email me for details!
Poor, precious Patti! (And gold star for you Jen, for the vomit-catch attempt...I can't say that I would have been that dedicated!)
Hope she's on the mend...and we're definitely "in" for Tuesday!
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