E --- Einsteins~ When the twins were babies, it was Baby Einstein... they loved it! We still love to watch it! But now, they're into the Little Einsteins. It really is a great show! In fact it's playing in the background right now and the kids are yelling "Rocket!"
F --- Family ~ What would we do without family? Thank you God for our amazing family! Even though we don't get to see all of them often, they are always a part of us and in our hearts.
G --- Girl's Night!!!!!! I love being a mommy and staying home with my kids, but a mommy needs girlfriends. We play Bunko, meet for dinner and a movie, and even play games and eat candy and The Condo. It might be once a month or even 2-3 times a month... either way it's a blessing to hang out with sweet precious Godly girls. Thank you to my sweet husband for this night out and for taking such great care of the kids while I'm away.
Whoa! You really married in to a nice looking family. You are very fortunate!
I make y'all look good!
Yea for girls' night!
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