Well, I was informed yesterday that I am a terrible blogger (thanks Lee). I just didn't think anyone was interested in our boring and mundane lives. Evidently, there are readers out there and they want more! Sweet! We are loved and important to someone! Normally (well, all the time), everyone just wants to see pictures of the twins and to read about all the crazy and cute things they've been doing. I sat down to look through my camera and see if there was anything interesting to post. I did come across some fun pictures that I'll share.
Paw paw came over the other night and he and Daniel got on this great website to look at aerial maps (okay, I say 'great' with total sarcasm.... what I mean is boooorrrrriiiinnnngggg). At least Cal thought it was interesting. I promise, I took this picture without setting it up.... that's exactly how they were sitting... cute huh?

Sunday evening the Perkins crew came over for dinner (our usual hot and ready pizza). Denise got suckered in to doing "tummy bubbles". What a fun Aunt Neesy (or Measy)!

I had the great privilege of having Isaiah all to myself the other day while Denise and Mike went on a field trip with Chloe. I've had a hard time getting Patti and Cal to be nice to babies (most kids want to love on them and hold them.... haha, yeah right.... they're more of a nuisance to my kids. My kids like to push them down, take toys away from them, and then whack them with the toys they just took away). Well, we've come a long way... here's Cal sharing cheerios with Isaiah (the Cheerios he just stole from him of course).
This one is just cute....

Okay, this is funny.... I have this little tricycle on top of my fridge for decoration. Patti has asked for it a million times and I finally thought 'why not?' Well, she became very frustrated when she couldn't ride it around the kitchen. Huge meltdown. That would be the first and last time I get the bike down.

I really wasn't much in the Halloween spirit (that really doesn't make much sense does it?) this year. Cal was Dash from the Incredibles and Patti was originally a princess (but she became a cat when she decided that she didn't like the princess dress). We just went to see Lee and the puppies and then to Walmart to see Paw paw. The kids are still a little young to get the whole concept.
Even super heroes need to have their blood pressure checked!

They had this child-sized pony
at Walmart... very life like and it had sensors on it's nose, shoulder and back. Any time you touched it, it would "may" (as Patti says). The kids loved feeding it and brushing it.
Just one more thing.... Patti and Cal have been talking so much more lately (I was almost starting to worry about it). Anyway, some of Patti's new words are just too cute and I have to share:
Owl: Alo
Movie: Noomy
Buzz Lightyear: Bob Wike-ear