Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Potty Training Stinks!

So, I finally decided to get these kids potty trained. I have been meaning to for a while now, but the time had to be just right. They have both showed some interest in it lately, so I knew that the time was soon. Since the weather's going to be ugly for a few days and we'll be stuck inside anyway, I thought today was the perfect day. Cal was going to be first (I didn't want to do both at the same time, so I was going to wait until Cal had the hang of it before I got Patti started)... but, after seeing Cal go on the potty and all the fuss I was making about it, she decided that she wanted in on the action (the My Little Pony panties were enticing too). So, I've got both going every 10 minutes and I'm already going a little coo-coo! We've had 9 accidents total (only one involving the brown stuff). I'm already washing a load of undies because we're running out of clean ones. And, this is only day one..... Calgon, Take me away!!!!!


Stephanie said...

Praying for you! I can only imagine what it is like to potty train 2! Jacob is a handful at potty training. Good luck! Hope it all goes well. Jacob says thanks for the tag Cal. It was fun.

patti pauley said...

I would love to be a fly on the wall and see all this!...Remember when you had an accident at Astroworld and I washed out your panties in the ladies room then used the hot air hand drier to dry them and put them back on you. (You must have been about 10yrs. old at the time)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Only were just 9......

Jenny said...

Gee, thanks A LOT Mom! You are no longer allowed to post comments on my blog :)

Two can play at the "wetting your pants stories" game... Are you wearing your Depends today?

sarahdawn said...

I'll be praying. My Nana always reminds me thet "this too shall pass." I suppose that phrase is particularly appropriate for potty training! Just stick to your guns and you'll be surprised how fast they catch on. I'll be praying for dry days in your very near future!