What's the most annoying sound in the world? Two five year olds playing the harmonica Sunday morning before church.
Yes, that's Daniel holding David up to the fan so that he can stick his finger in it. The picture doesn't show that the fan is actually on.
Cal and Patti got a hold of the camera....
Sometimes this is how we watch TV...

For those of you who only look at my blog for the pictures, you can go ahead and log out now :)
For those of you interested in what's going on behind the scenes... read on...
Cal and Patti are still loving Kindergarten. I'm just amazed at how much they are already learning. And they LOVE to learn. They are constantly making up rhyming words, counting as high as they can without messing up, sounding out letters they see around the house or when we're driving, and telling me all sorts of neat facts about their 5 senses (that's what they're learning about now in science). They are making lots of new friends and can name just about every kid in Kindergarten.
David is still a pistol. He is so stubborn and has the shortest temper of any 16 month old I know... but he is just the cutest little stinker ever. He gets away with a lot only because he's so adorable. "No" is his favorite word... in fact, I think it's his only word. He will say "Ma" and "Da" for me and Daniel, but the rest is gibberish. Everyday he will find some toy (or two) that become permanently attached to his arms the entire day. He'll even take them to nap with him. I remember Cal doing this too... except his toys were always really small (David's are always huge).
I guess that's all for now. I promise I will try to do better about blogging in the future!
Great post, and for the record, I'm in it for more than just pictures :)
I am thrilled to see something new--and yes, they are precious. Please share better!!!! I love you, Lee
I "ditto" all of Lee's comments including SHARE more!...What a great time for the kids not to mention Mom & Dad. Best part of being a parent is to watch your kids having fun. I have so many favorite pictures...so, so adorable...Love Ya'll Bunches...Grams
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